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Give Employees the Tools They Need to Learn & Lead

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Power your team with a learning solution that offers on-demand courses, hands-on tech learning, and cohort leadership development.

The 2024 Global Learning & Skills Trends Report 

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What’s the single factor that can determine whether a company can deliver on its goals? Skills. Get our report today to find out the hottest in-demand skills, how to navigate the skills landscape, how to adapt to the rise of GenAI, what kind of leaders we need in today’s workplace, and so much more.

4 Ways That Scaling Leadership Development Powers Engagement, Retention,
and ROI

Webinar: How To Create Leadership

Competitive Advantage

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Our white paper explores what research suggests are the direct benefits of leadership development (i.e., program-specific outcomes) and the indirect benefits of development, including increased employee engagement and attractiveness to potential
employees. It outlines 4 key leadership development benefits that have emerged from both our own and other research, noting that investments in leadership development:
Join our experts as they discuss how effective leadership development programs
invigorate an organization’s leadership competitive advantage, leading to an increase in
leadership capacity and a strong, healthy talent pipeline.

3 Ways to Take a Skills-Based Approach to Talent

Skills Verification is the Future of Talent Management

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Focusing on employee skills development allows them to tackle new challenges and provides talent agility for the entire company. It also lowers the risk of falling behind the competition, as companies direct talent resources to areas of greatest need by deploying employees to projects that match their skill sets.

Talent development requires a strategy that supports your employees acquiring the latest skills. Find out how you can apply skills verification to assess current skills, identify skill gaps, and demonstrate new skills to ensure your organization stays ready for the future. In this snapshot, we look at how badges and certifications can create an agile workforce.